Leigh-Anne Pinnock

leigh at thorpe park 10/26

Jade Thirlwall

jade at wembley- oct.26


Untitled #15499

Perrie Edwards


Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer - IDLE LANE / Reformation ´DOVE´Dress (Oct 10th, 2014)

Eleanor Calder


Perrie Edwards

Get The Look - Perrie Edwards / Studio (Oct 22nd, 2014)

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Get The Look - Leigh Anne Pinnock / BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards (Oct 19th, 2014)

Danielle Peazer - IDLE LANE

Danielle Peazer - IDLE LANE / Motel’s GABBY dress – 3 ways to wear it! (Oct 12th, 2014)
Danielle Peazer - IDLE LANE / Motel’s GABBY dress – 3 ways to wear it! (Oct 12th, 2014)
Danielle Peazer - IDLE LANE / Motel’s GABBY dress – 3 ways to wear it! (Oct 12th, 2014)

Perrie Edwards

Untitled #489

Jade Thirlwall

jade at the MOBO Awards


Untitled #416

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer - IDLE LANE / Novo London Part 4 (Oct 08th, 2014)

Eleanor Calder


Perrie Edwards



Untitled #415

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture (Oct 07th, 2014)

Sophia Smith


Perrie Edwards



Untitled #389

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Get The Look - Leigh Anne Pinnock / BBC Radio 1 Studios (Oct 18th, 2014)

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture (Oct 06th, 2014)

Danielle Peazer - Youtube Video


Eleanor Calder



Untitled #390

Jesy Nelson

Get The Look - Jesy Nelson / BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards (Oct 19th, 2014)

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture (Oct 13th, 2014)


Untitled #391

Perrie Edwards

Get The Look - Perrie Edwards / MIPCOM Cannes, France (Oct 13th, 2014)

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Twitter Picture (Oct 20th, 2014)

Sophia Smith

Untitled #41

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture (Oct 14th, 2014)

Perrie Edwards

Untitled #491

Eleanor Calder


Sophia Smith


Harry Imagine


Perrie Edwards



Sophia inspired outfit for movie night with friends

Eleanor Calder


Perrie Edwards


Eleanor Calder

Eleanor inspired outfit for lunch with friends

Sophia Smith


Perrie Edwards



Untitled #2

Zayn Imagine


Sophia Smith


Danielle Peazer

Untitled #1894


Geen titel #2600

Eleanor Calder



Untitled #969
Rad 1: H&M
Rad 2: VeroModa
Rad 3: Cubus
Rad 4: Bikbok

Sophia Smith


Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Ibiza (Sep, 2014)

Striped Jeans

Striped Jeans

Danielle Peazer

Danielle dancing for Pixie Lott

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor calder instagram

Taylor Swift

Taylor cover

Danielle Peazer - Youtube Video


Eleanor Calder

Eleanor inspired outfit with a leather biker jacket


outfit #3

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Pineapple Studios (Sep 23rd, 2014)

Jesy Nelson

Jesy Nelson ( Little Mix )

Danielle Peazer

Untitled #1877

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3184

Listening to Niall play guitar

Listening to Niall play guitar

Sophia Smith


Perrie Edwards

Perrie inspired outfit with requested trousers

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / WWDOOH Movie Premiere (Sep 22nd, 2014)

Sophia Smith


Eleanor Calder & Perrie Edwards

Untitled #613

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Leighs IG Pic

Who Wore It Better?


Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Ibiza (Sep 27th, 2014)

Jesy Nelson

jesy the other day

Perrie Edwards

Perrie with a fan 07/09/14

Harry Imagine


Danielle Peazer

Untitled #1876

Afternoon with Sophia

Afternoon with Sophia

Breakfast with Eleanor

Breakfast with Eleanor

Danielle Peazer

Untitled #1875

Cinema with Harry

Cinema with Harry

Sophia Smith

Get The Look - Sophia Smith / Airport With Liam (Sep 21st, 2014)

Outfits of the Week - Eleanor Calder

Eleanor inspired outfits for a week in France

9 Oktober

Hej alla fina läsare!
Idag och de närmaste dagarna kommer det bara att läggas upp tidsinställda inlägg då jag fyller 19 å idag och kommer fira det med min familj och mina fina vänner de närmaste dagarna! Jag hoppas detta går bra, på måndag blir allting som vanligt i med nya outfits och svar på era fina kommentarer!
Hoppas ni får en jättefin helg!

Jesy Nelson

Jesy in the XFactor Talk Talk Shoot

Breakfast with Niall

Breakfast with Niall

Perrie Edwards

One Direction Concert in BOK Center, Tulsa | 23/09/2014

At the airport with Harry

At the airport with Harry

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3185

Who Wore It Better?



Untitled #14967

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Pineapple Studios (Sep 23rd, 2014)

Romantic day in New York with Zayn

Romantic day in New York with Zayn

Jade Thirlwall

Get The Look - Jade Thirlwall / Whisky Mist (Oct 04th, 2014)

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer - IDLE LANE / Novo London Part 3 (Oct 06th, 2014)

Eleanor Calder - Blazers

Eleanor's Blazers

Jesy Nelson

jesy today

Selfies with Niall, Ashton and Liam

Selfies with Niall, Ashton and Liam

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture (Sep 29th, 2014)

Jade Thirlwall

Jade in the XFactor Talk Talk Shoot

Sophia Smith inspirerade outfits för skolan

Sophia Smith inspired for winter
Sophia Smith inspired with converse, jeans and pants.
Sophia inspired outfit with requested trousers

Backstage with Niall

Backstage with Niall

Eleanor inspired bags for school

eleanor inspired bags for school

Shopping With Zayn And Perrie

Shopping With Zayn And Perrie !!


Untitled #14967

Backstage with One Direction

Backstage with One Direction

Eleanor Calder


Lazy Day with Lux

Lazy Day with Lux

Perrie Edwards

Perrie and Zayn in New Orleans | 24/09/2014

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Ibiza (Sep 28th, 2014)

Taylor Swift

Dress like Taylor Swift

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Strengthen & Tone: BUMS Youtube Video (Sep 23rd, 2014)

Starbucks with Harry

Starbucks with Harry

Eleanor Calder


Romantic Dinner with Liam

Romantic Dinner with Liam

Who Wore It Better?

Who Wore it Better?


Untitled #15060

Little Mix

*REQUESTED* LM Inspired from Modcloth

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Claire's Instagram Picture (Sep 29th, 2014)

Harry Imagine

Harry Styles Imagine

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Leigh in the XFactor Talk Talk Shoot

Eleanor Calder

Exacts from this new photo of Eleanor taken on 15.09.14. Credit to Els-Calder for finding!

Danielle Peazer

Get The Look - Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture (Sep 24th, 2014)

Shopping with Lou

Shopping with Lou

Day in L.A with Perrie

Day in L.A with Perrie