Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3439

Dress like Harry

Harry leaving a hotel in London 6.24.15

Summertime Ball with Perrie

Summertime Ball with Perrie

Jesy Nelson

Jesy Nelson

Vienna with Niall

Vienna with Niall

Sunny day with Sophia

Sunny day with Sophia

Perrie Edwards

perrie for photoshoot gold magic

5 Seconds of Summer

Warped Tour Outfits


Inspired for work and school

BackStage With Liam

BackStage With Liam

Perrie Edwards

Backstage at Rays of Sunshine | 07/06/2015

Day in Barcelona with Niall

Day in Barcelona with Niall

Dress for Less: Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3451

Summertime Ball with Harry

Summertime Ball with Harry

Perrie Edwards

At a recording studio in London | 18/06/2015

Cold Day with Zayn on the Boardwalk

Cold Day with Zayn on the Boardwalk

Walking around the Stadium with Niall

Walking around the Stadium with Niall.

Dress for Less: Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3452

Perrie Edwards

At a recording studio in London | 18/06/2015

Funny Night with Lottie and Lux

Funny Night with Lottie and Lux

Aiport With Perrie

Aiport With Perrie

Eleanor Calder


Lou Teasdale

Untitled #481

Party With Harry

Party With Harry

Perrie Edwards

BBC Radio 2 Studio | 15/06/2015

Concert with Lottie and Lou

Concert with Lottie and Lou

Eleanor Calder

Blog post: DUNGAREES


5SOS(Luke Hemmings) Styles: RayBan Erika Sunglasses

5 Seconds of Summer

5SOS Styles: B&W Adidas Superstar

Party in London with Niall

Party in London with Niall

Jade Thirlwall

Jade thirlwall

Perrie Edwards

Capital FM Studios in Newcastle | 10/06/2015

Eleanors blogg!

Ni har väl inte missat att Eleanor har startat en blogg tillsammans med hennes kompis Max?
Klicka på bilden för att komma till bloggen!

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3396

Back Home with Harry

Back Home with Harry

Perrie Edwards

At Capital FM in Cardiff | 12/06/2015

Day With Liam And Sophia

Day With Liam And Sophia

Jesy Nelson

jesy by summer timeball

Perrie Edwards

Huger Magazine Interview | 12/06/2015

Lou Teasdale

Untitled #479

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

leigh-anne in Darlington

Dress like Harry

Harry out in New York 6.12.15

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3397

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 01/06/2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3382

Lazy Day With Louis

Lazy Day With Louis

Perrie Edwards

Black Magic | May 2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3384

Studio With Niall

Studio With Niall

Jade Thirlwall

jade in Spain

Jesy Nelson

jesy in black magic

Perrie Edwards

Black Magic | May 2015

Billboards With One Direction

Billboards With One Direction

Eleanor Calder

Similar tops to Eleanor's Maje top

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

leigh-anne May 27th

Perrie Edwards

With Fifth Harmony | 30/05/2015

Billboards With Niall

Billboards With Niall

Day in London with Liam

Day in London with Liam

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #380

Dress like Harry

Harry out in London today!

Perrie Edwards

BBC Radio 1 | 27/05/2015

Park with Louis

Park with Louis

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3365

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Brunch with friends 05.16.2015

Walk in Monaco with Sophia

Walk in Monaco with Sophia

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3370

Perrie Edwards

Celebrating at the Rose Club | 04/09/2012

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Jimmy Choo Event 05.21.2015

Dress like Harry

Harry at the Rolling Stones concert in LA 5.20.15

Paris With Perrie

Paris With Perrie

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3374

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

leigh-anne photoshoot 2013 salute

Perrie Edwards

Little Mix Limited Edition Cards | 2015

Day at the Mall with Niall

Day at the Mall with Niall

Danielle Peazer

IDLE LANE - Danielle Peazer / Topshop’s Perfect Party Dress – Part 2 05.17.2015

Little Mix - Black Magic

Ni har väl inte missat Little Mix nya singel och musikvideo? Här är den!