Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith

Tailandia With Harry

Tailandia With Harry

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #337

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer

Liam Imagine

Fetus Liam ♡

Perrie Edwards

Interviews in Dubai | 11/03/2015


Untitled #184

Zayn Imagine


Danielle Peazer

IDLE LANE - Danielle Peazer / Black Out 03.12.2015

Day in London with Max and Els

Day in London with Max and Els

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #333

Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards / Mahiki Club Dubai 03.11.2015


Untitled #17175

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer

Louis Imagine


Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Leigh at Comic Relief. | March 13.


Untitled #17176

Perrie Edwards

Instagram: X Factor Dubai | 11/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor in Max's Instagram photo!

Dress like Harry

Harry in London 3.9.15

Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards / The Bizarre Anual Party 03.02.2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture #TBT 03.12.2015

Party With Liam

Party With Liam

Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards / Instagram Picture 03.15.2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture (kirsty_mckie) 03.17.2015


Inspired for an ed Sheeran concert

Prom With Sophia

Prom With Sophia

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor in her recent Instagram photo!

Hejdå Zayn

Detta skriver One Direction på deras officiella Facebook sida:

After five incredible years Zayn Malik has decided to leave One
Direction. Niall, Harry, Liam and Louis will continue as a four-piece and look forward to the forthcoming concerts of their world tour and
recording their fifth album, due to be released later this year.

Zayn says: "My life with One Direction has been more than I could ever have imagined. But, after five years, I feel like it is now the right time for me to leave the band. I'd like to apologise to the fans if I've let anyone down, but I have to do what feels right in my heart. I am leaving because I want to be a normal 22-year-old who is able to relax and have some private time out of the spotlight. I know I have four friends for life in Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall. I know they will continue to be the best band in the world."

One Direction say: "We're really sad to see Zayn go, but we totally
respect his decision and send him all our love for the future. The past five years have been beyond amazing, we've gone through so much together, so we will always be friends. The four of us will now continue. We're looking forward to recording the new album and seeing all the fans on the next stage of the world tour."

Simon Cowell says: "I would like to say thank you to Zayn for everything he has done for One Direction. Since I first met Zayn in 2010, I have grown very, very fond - and immensely proud - of him. I have seen him grow in confidence and I am truly sorry to see him leave. As for One Direction, fans can rest assured that Niall, Liam, Harry and Louis are hugely excited about the future of the band."

Detta känns sjukt overkligt.. Men vi får helt enkelt stötta Zayn i hans beslut och hoppas att han mår bättre och får leva det livet han vill..


Frozen Premier with Lou and Lux

Frozen Premier with Lou and Lux

Danielle Peazer

Claire's Instagram | 14/03/2015

Niall Imagine


Walk in Singapore with Lux

Walk in Singapore with Lux

Leigh-Anne Pinnock


Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer

Sushi Night with Lou, Lottie and Niall

Sushi Night with Lou, Lottie and Niall

Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards / BBC Radio 1 for Comic Relief 03.13.2015

Eleanor + Louis = Slut?

Det har kommit fram en väldigt massa artiklar om att Louis och Eleanor har gjort slut.. Vi här på bloggen tycker att det är väldigt synd, men samtidigt vet man ju aldrig om det är riktigt sant.. Vi märker väl det med tiden!
Tror ni att det är sant eller är de fortfarande tillsammans?
Klicka på bilden för att läsa en artikel om Louis och Eleanor från People Magazine

Toyota Commercial With Louis And Zayn

Toyota Commercial With Louis And Zayn

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor in her recent Instagram photo today!

Dress like Harry

Harry arriving in Singapore 3.10.15

Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith / Kevin Systrom and Jamie Oliver’s annual private party 03.09.2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / New Picture with a fan during NYFW 02.2015

Harry Imagine


Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards / Dubai 03.10.2015

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Leigh on Tumblr. | March 6.

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture - OOTD 03.11.2015

Jade Thirlwall

Jade Thirlwall / The Bizarre Annual Party 03.02.2015

At the airport with Niall

At the airport with Niall

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 03.12.2015

Liam Imagine


Jesy Nelson

Jesy at First Annual Bizarre Party. | March 02.

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor in LA!

Perrie Edwards

With a fan in Dubai | 10/03/2015


Inspired with 'All Time Low' t shirts

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Leigh Leaving Jinjuu Restaurant | March 03.

Perrie Edwards

Airport in Dubai | 10/03/2015

Niall Imagine


Day With Lottie And Lux

Day With Lottie And Lux

Clubbing in LA with Eleanor

Clubbing in LA with Eleanor

Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith

Danielle Peazer

Hoxton Radio | 06/03/2015


Untitled #17093

Night With Harry

Night With Harry

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer

Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith


You and your child together

Meeting Fans With Louis

Meeting Fans With Louis

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor's exact rings!

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer

Perrie Edwards

Leaving her house | 05/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Idle Lane | 25/02/2015

Danielle Peazer

The Sun Bizarre Party | 02/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Idle Lane | 03/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer - NYFW (Feb. 2015)

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Clare's Office - Blow Ltd 05.03.2015)

Danielle Peazer

Idle Lane | 05/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Idle Lane | 05/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Idle Lane | 25/02/2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / House of Holland Show (LFW Day 2) 02.21.2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / LFW Day 3 02.22.2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Pam Hogg Show / PPQ dinner at Brasserie Chavot (LFW Day 3) 02.22.2015

Danielle Peazer

Jag har så sjuuuukt många Danielle outfits på lager så jag tänkte att denna helgen kör vi på en Danielle Peazer Helg! Jag har tänkt att ha flera "tema" dagar eller helger, vad tycker no om den idéen? :)
IDLE LANE - Danielle Peazer / How I styled the Topshop Jamie Flare 02.23.2015

Little Mix

*REQUESTED* LM Inspired with a Black Playsuit

Zayn / Harry Imagine


Danielle Peazer

Instagram | 11/02/2015

Perrie Edwards

NilsNails Instagram | 06/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Idle Lane | 12/02/2015


Untitled #149

Spring Walk with Harry

Spring Walk with Harry

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 06/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Instagram | 12/02/2015

Day with Harry and Lux

Day with Harry and Lux

Starbucks with Lottie

Starbucks with Lottie

5 Seconds of Summer

5SOS Styles: FOSSIL Sydney Crossbody Bag

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 03/03/2015

Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith / Sophia's Birthday Party - Funky Buddha 02.28.2015

Back Home with Zayn

Back Home with Zayn

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Brit Awards After-Party 02.25.2015

Night Date with Liam

Night Date with Liam

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 04/03/2015

Morning in London with Niall

Morning in London with Niall

Danielle Peazer

Idle Lane | 08/02/2015

Lou Teasdale

Untitled #460

Playing Croquet with Niall

Playing Croquet with Niall

Harry Imagine


Danielle Peazer

Instagram | 07/02/2015


Untitled #5309

Going to the arena with Niall

Going to the arena with Niall

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Sony Music Brit Awards After-Party at Sushi Samba 02.25.2015

Concert With Lux

Concert With Lux

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

leighs makeup

Shopping day with Harry

Shopping day with Harry

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Scarlett London Show (LFW Day 2) 02.21.2015

Airport with Niall

Airport with Niall

Dress like Harry

Harry with a fan recently!

Cold day in NYC with Liam

Cold day in NYC with Liam

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 02.25.2015

Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards / Dreamin' Together Music Video 02.23.2015

OTRA Tour With Niall

OTRA Tour With Niall

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Somerset House (LFW Day 1) 02.20.2015

Dinner with Niall,Mark,Calum and Luke

Dinner with Niall,Mark,Calum and Luke


Untitled #585

Awards With Danielle

Awards With Danielle

Jesy Nelson

jesys makeup

OTRA Tour With Zayn

OTRA Tour With Zayn

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / "Hunger Magazine: We’ve Got Issues” Launch (LFW Day 1) 02.20.2015

Arriving at the hotel with Eleanor

#Arriving at the hotel with Eleanor

Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edwards / Brit Awards After-Party 2015 02.25.2015

Dress like Harry

Harry leaving a restaurant in Osaka today!

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Felder Felder Show 02.20.2015

Brit Awards 2015 with Perrie

Brit Awards 2015 with Perrie

Jade Thirlwall

Jade Thirlwall / Club Liv in Manchester 02.21.2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Millennium and Copthorne Hotel 02.21.2015

Taking Pictures with Lottie

Taking Pictures with Lottie

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 02.23.2015

Sydney With Niall

Sydney With Niall

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 23/02/2015

Gym With Harry

Gym With Harry

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / New York Fashion Week – Chloe Gosselin Presentation 02.15.2015

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

leigh in venice