Fun Day With Lou

Fun Day With Lou

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3368

Billboard Music Awards with Harry

Billboard Music Awards with Harry

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 15/05/2015

Jesy Nelson

jesy nelson photoshoot black magic

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Porridge Cafe 05.14.2015

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor's pimped phone

Prom With Niall And Cher

Prom With Niall And Cher

Sophia Smith

Sophia and Liam in Monaco

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 05.13.2015

Having a Coffee with Harry

Having a Coffee with Harry

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor today

Spending day with Liam

Spending day w/ Liam

Perrie Edwards

Snapchat | 20/05/2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Public Desire birthday event 05.20.2015

5 Seconds of Summer

5SOS Styles: White Jeans for Summer

Dress like Harry

Harry out in L.A 5.18.15

Backstage with Niall & Olly Murs

#Backstage with Niall & Olly Murs

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 05.19.2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #371

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Claire’s Woodland Dreams party 05.14.2015

Spending day with Louis

Spending day with Louis

Dress like Harry

Harry out in LA 5.20.15

Perrie Edwards

"Black Magic" artwork | May 2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #4947

Having a Coffee with Harry

Having a Coffee with Harry

Perrie Edwards

Listening Event for "Black Magic" | 20/05/2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Nana Judy Showroom 05.12.2015

California with Niall

California with Niall

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3369

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 21/0/5/2015

Airport with Louis

Airport with Louis

Night Club With Liam

Night Club With Liam

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3367

Dinner in LA with Harry

Dinner in LA with Harry

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 05.14.2015

Dress like Harry

Harry at the billboard music awards 5.17.15

Billboard Music Awards with Liam

Billboard Music Awards with Liam

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #4943


Inspired outfits for taller figures

Billboard Music Awards with Niall

Billboard Music Awards with Niall

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Janielle at Mews of Mayfair 05.12.2015

Having a Coffee with Harry

Having a Coffee with Harry

Little Mix

*REQUESTED* LM Inspired for School/Summer (Medium Weather)

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3364

Night Out with Gemma

Night Out with Gemma

Dress like Harry

Harry out in LA 5.14.15

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 14/05/2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3363

5 Seconds of Summer

Concert Outfits - All

Dress like Harry

Harry leaving the gym in LA 5.11.15

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3352

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 13/05/2015

Meeting fans with Harry

Meeting fans w/ Harry

Dress like Harry

Harry out in LA 5.9.15

Costume Party with Niall

Costume Party with Niall

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #354

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture - Filming for Icon Uk 05.10.2015

Weekend With Zayn

Weekend With Zayn

Perrie Edwards

Instagram | 11/05/2015

Lazy Day with Lux

Lazy Day with Lux

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3360

Clubbing in London with Niall

Clubbing in London with Niall

Danielle Peazer

IDLE LANE - Danielle Peazer / Topshop’s Perfect Party Dress – Part 1 05.10.2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3359

California With Harry

California With Harry

Miami With Perrie

Miami With Perrie

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor doing the Kylie Jenner lip challenge

Back home with Louis

Back home with Louis

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / at Mahiki with Little Mix (Jade & Leigh) 05.05.2015

Night Out With Niall

Night Out With Niall

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3343

Jade Thirlwall

jade thirlwall in a G.A.Y. club

Paris With Danielle

Paris With Danielle

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3358

Dress like Harry

Harry in LA 5.8.15

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / BOB Pop Up Store Launch 05.06.2015

Day in London with Niall

Day in London with Niall

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3347

Perrie Edwards

Shopping with Zany's family | 02/05/2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3293

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 05.01.2015

Party With Louis

Party With Louis

Perrie Edwards

Capital FM Studios in London | 30/04/2015

5 Seconds of Summer

5SOS Styles: Gold Casio Watch

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3322

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 05.02.2015

Having Fun With Harry

Having Fun With Harry

Perrie Edwards

With fans in LA | 24/04/2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3253

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Instagram Picture 05.01.2015

Going out With Liam

Going out With Liam

Perrie Edwards

Cannes | 02/04/2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3335

5 Seconds of Summer

School Outfits (18/?) ft Gray Sleeve Shirt

Going out with Niall

Going out with Niall

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor's Instagram post today!

Perrie Edwards

With a fan in LA | 21/04/2015

Football with Louis

Football with Louis

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor today in Portobello Road

Perrie Edwards

Leaving her house | 26/03/2015

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / Little Black Dress Launch 04.14.2015

5 Seconds of Summer

Covered Up Outfits - All

Playing Guitar with Niall

Playing Guitar with Niall

Perrie Edwards

With fans in LA | 24/04/2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #363

Going out with Liam

Going out with Liam

Perrie Edwards

Leaving the Vet | 04/04/2015

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3324

Danielle Peazer

Danielle Peazer / New Picture for Icon UK 04.15.2015

Eleanor Calder

Eleanor's Instagram photo yesterday!

Interview with Harry

Interview with Harry

Niall Imagine

Gonna keep you safe :) <3

Skolavslutning #1

Untitled #1077

Eleanor Calder

Untitled #3327

Perrie Edwards

Leaving the Vet | 14/04/2015